Breathwork Journey

I was first introduced to this in August 2022 when I completed the 60-hour Soulside Breathwork Facilitator Training Course. Many aspects of breathwork were covered with a focus on a 45-minute journey model, that includes a five-minute drop-in, three rounds of circular breathing and breath-holds, followed by a relaxing guided meditation. This can be done online or face-to-face and individually or with a group. Check out the benefits of breathwork.

Other Breathwork Modalities

I am just at the beginning of this journey and believe 100% in the benefits associated with the various breathing techniques for the mind and body. In December 2022, I completed the “Breath is Life” and the “7-Day Essentials Course” courses by Michael Bijker, which I found extremely helpful and interesting.

The Breathing Cure” by Patrick McKeown is a wonderful resource that I am exploring further and continually referencing. The difference a few minor adjustments to breathing habits can make is very encouraging.

As I learn more in this area, and build exercises into my daily routine, I will update this page and share my experiences in the blog posts.


As I started to experience the benefits of PSYCH-K® I also developed an interest in the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Rob Williams. This led me to try meditation, admittedly mostly guided meditations on YouTube. I’m gradually developing my practice and find it very beneficial. One of the benefits of spending time in Nepal is access to the many meditation and Buddhist centres. There is no requirement to embrace fully the teachings to gain from such sessions, and I have found all experiences to be informative and beneficial. Again, this is an area in which I strive to develop further practices.